Navigating the Financial Universe

Prospering and Preparing for the Challenges Ahead


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Imprint: Ibis Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


224 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Nicolas-Hays, Inc


Christeen H. Skinner is a practicing financial astrologer based in London and with clients all over the world. She works with entrepreneurs, traders, and fund managers and is the director of Cityscopes London, a company specializing in future casting. She holds a diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies where she also taught for a decade. She has been chair of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and of the advisory board of National Council for Geocosmic Research, and she is a trustee of the Urania Trust and a director of the Alexandria iBase Project. She offers a free monthly newsletter service, now in its ninth year. Visit her at

In Navigating the Financial Universe, financial astrologer Christeen Skinner, who forecasted the global financial crisis in her original work published in 2004, builds on her reputation for successful financial forecasting. She identifies periods of challenge and suggests ways in which these might be negotiated. Using her experience working with clients, entrepreneurs, traders, and investors, she acknowledges the needs and behavioral patterns of different generations—building financial confidence in the reader.

Chapter topics include the following:

  • Preparing and understanding your financial engine
  • Plotting your financial course with planet cycles
  • Identifying periods when it is wise to do nothing versus optimum times to trade
  • Assessing the provisions needed in moving forward
  • Guidance on avoiding financial rocks and potential shipwreck
  • Developing your investment portfolio

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