
A User's Guide to Connecting with the Mind of God


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"Bridging the considerable gap between mind and nature has been and will most likely remain a worthy goal well into the next millennium. None better pursuing this goal has been the work of Arny Mindell. ProcessMind is his latest work dealing with this elusive subject only this time the value and purpose of it all is made even clearer by bringing in the idea of a Super-mind or Mind of God and how It effects your mind, spirit, and happiness.
" --Fred Alan Wolf, PhD., author of Time-loops and Space-Twists: How God Created the Universe
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Book Details


304 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Quest Books


Arny Mindell developed process work or what is called today, "process oriented psychology" (p.o.p.), in the mid 1970's. Beginning with Taoism, physics and Jungian psychology, by the 1990?s, he expanded process work to include quantum theory and a deeper form of democracy that applied to all states of consciousness for individuals and groups. Arny's recent research and practice has lead to "process-oriented Ecology" integrating large group conflict work with environmental issues. Together with his wife, Amy, and their many colleagues in Portland and around the world, Mindell was the co-founder of the original school of process oriented psychology in Zurich, Switzerland in the early 1980's. Today, the Mindells consult and work as facilitators on community and conflict problems for groups, cities and governments worldwide. They teach process work, give personal therapy and classes in their home city of Portland, Oregon and work in many places around the world. Mindell's books include Dreambody, The Shaman's Body, Sitting in the Fire, and Quantum Mind.

Einstein said, “I want to know the mind of God, the rest are details.” This book is therapist Arnold Mindell’s response. By processmind he means an earth-based experience of the universal state of consciousness that, he argues, pervades all reality. It is perhaps our most basic, least known, and greatest power, combining the nonlocality of modern physics with altered states of consciousness found in peak experiences. What makes this book unique is that it offers some experience of this mind-state to the reader. Mindell does so by connecting cosmic patterns seen in physics with experiences occurring in psychology and world spiritual traditions. He draws together ideas about Aboriginal totem spirits, quantum entanglement, and nonlocality to describe the “structure of God experiences.” Enhancing his clear presentation are around 80 illustrations and 30 experiential exercises based on tested approaches that actualize our deepest, unitive consciousness. Through rational thinking and earth-based, inner experience, the reader can sense how the processmind’s self-organizing intelligence helps with dreams, body symptoms, relationships, and large-group conflict issues. Altogether, the book is a kind of user’s guide to tapping into an immense power that can benefit our own individual life and, ultimately, the world.
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"Bridging the considerable gap between mind and nature has been and will most likely remain a worthy goal well into the next millennium. None better pursuing this goal has been the work of Arny Mindell. ProcessMind is his latest work dealing with this elusive subject only this time the value and purpose of it all is made even clearer by bringing in the idea of a Super-mind or Mind of God and how It effects your mind, spirit, and happiness." --Fred Alan Wolf, PhD., author of Time-loops and Space-Twists: How God Created the Universe "This extraordinary book has been described as "a user's guide to everyday life and to the universe's hidden dimensions." Written with lucid language and energy emanating off the page, ProcessMind is an invitation to be on a path of discovery that is beyond theory, and is more a field concept that opens a practitioner to that edge between life and death, where mystery resides" --Roshi Joan Halifax, Founding Abbot, Upaya Zen Center "The appearance of this book should be celebrated everywhere. Although for some time, some of us quantum physicists are talking about the advantage of an integrative approach to science and spirituality using quantum physics to transpersonal psychology, transpersonal psychologists themselves have been less than enthusiastic. And now a psychologist of the caliber of Arny Mindell has used the integrative approach in his own inimitable style no less. Move over Ken Wilber, here comes Arny Mindell." --Amit Goswami, PhD, quantum physicist, author of The Self-Aware Universe, The Quantum Doctor, God is not Dead, and Creative Evolution "In ProcessMind, Arny Mindell takes us on a courageous expedition into the vast unknown land where science, psychology and transcendency converge. ProcessMind is a marvelous journey through experiences and visions, which may lead us one day to a "grand foot", a holistic understanding of our complete world. This is much more essential than the TOE, the Theory Of Everything, which physicists are currently chasing. Although quite accessible for non-scientists, this book is a treasure trove for anyone who has some sense for natural philosophy as well as for experienced psychologists. ProcessMind opens doors to the understanding of tomorrow, though humankind might need another century to really grasp the potential behind Mindell's ideas." --Dr. Achim Goeres, Theoretical astrophysicist, Berlin, Germany