Soul Speak

The Language of Your Body


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Imprint: Ozark Mountain Publishing
Availability: In stock
"When I first picked up this book I was expecting something along the lines of prayer or meditation. I was pleasantly surprised with what I learned here. Soul Speak by Julia Cannon credits much of the information in this book to her mother, Dolores Cannon, a hypnotherapist with 40-plus years of experience. It is an intriguing look at tapping into the Higher Self and listening to the messages it sends to your body and translating what is being said. As the author states, "We are more than just physical beings."

As someone who has been practicing a variety of healing techniques over the years ranging from the most basic meditation to ARCH healing and ancient Hawaiian healing art, I knew I was still lacking something in my foundation of the physical/mental body healing. Soul Speak: The Language of the Body helped me in understanding more of looking and listening to not only the higher self, but my body and what it is trying to tell me through pain, illness, emotions, etc. I truly wish I would have read this book prior to my herniated back some ten months ago.

This work gives an overview of the physical/mental/and spiritual, then putting it together. Using a form of hypnosis called QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy), individuals enter a deep state of relaxation and are more in connection with the Higher Self.

Emotions are also key as Cannon explains. All emotions are necessary and not to be feared (as fear itself is a powerful emotion). Each emotion teaches us so much about ourselves and should be embraced to understand who we are and what may be hindering or helping our growth as an individual.

Cannon gives a good explanation of the entire physical body (systems, organs and other body parts) and how the Higher Self sends messages through form of pain and illness and what these areas maybe telling us. I found this information quite valuable as every ailment I have had seems to very accurate as it corresponds to the body area that was affected. I myself have added this work to my collection of healing manuals and look forward to applying the technique (Chapter 21) in future healing sessions. The last chapter is a nice reference guide to most of the body messages that will help the reader learn what may be happening within themselves. This is a must read for anyone involved in alternative healing of self or clients."
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Book Details


176 Pages


5.5 x 8.5


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Ozark Mountain Publishing


Julia Cannon lives in Huntsville, Arkansas and England. Julia became a registered nurse and worked in Intensive Care and Home Health for the duration of her 20+ year career. She then decided to explore other aspects of the healing profession and has trained in Reconnective Healing and Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy. Her energy healing has taken on its own dimension and has formed into something she calls "Lightcasting." Intuitive lights come from the hands to direct energy where it is needed to balance any deficiencies in the body. This balancing may be happening on the physical, mental and;or spiritual level. While she is working in someone's energy field, she gets intuitive messages;impressions of what is happening and what is needed to help the person bring about their healing.

When Julia does remote energy work, she is taken intuitively inside the body to see what the condition looks like and then she is given methods to correct the situations. This has been a spontaneous development that continues to amaze her in its applications.

Discover the secret language of the body!

Every ache, pain and symptom is the body delivering a message of importance to you in its own unique language. This book is a translation manual that teaches you that language.

The basic premise here is that we are much greater than the sum of our physical parts. We are spiritual beings residing in physical bodies. Hence, what we feel physically can be a manifestation of what is going on in our spirit. It is critical for our spiritual growth that we listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us.

In this book you will discover what the messages from the different body systems mean and how you can heal any situation by understanding the message that is being delivered and acting appropriately on that message. This is a secret language that is now being revealed. It is no longer a mystery. Discover for yourself what YOU are trying to say to YOURSELF.

Among the topics discussed:

    What is your body telling you
  • What is pain telling you
  • How people make themselves sick
  • Ways in which you can learn to heal yourself

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