Spirit Walking

A Course in Shamanic Power


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Imprint: Weiser Books
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"What I love about listening to Evelyn Rysdyk discuss shamanism is her ability to combine ancient lore with modern science so seamlessly that you would swear you can't have one without the other. With the lyrical voice of an artist she taps into our memories of old, 'forgotten' ways and helps us understand them in terms of the latest findings in physics, psychology, and ecology. She is a wonderful guide for spirit walking between the worlds. Walk with her." --Tom Cowan, author of Fire in the Head and Yearning for the Wind
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Book Details


272 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Evelyn C. Rysdyk is a shamanic practitioner and teacher. She has studied with Michael Harner and Sandra Ingerman and is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies ThreeYear Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing. Since that time, she has worked with indigenous shamans from Siberia, Peru, Central Asia and Nepal. Evelyn helped found True North, an integrated medical center in Falmouth, Maine, where she works alongside medical practitioners to bring physical, spiritual, emotional, and spiritual healing to patients. She lives in Maine. Visit her at www.spiritpassages.com.

Sandra Ingerman, MA, is the author of several books including Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Journeying, and Awakening to the Spirit World. She is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist and Professional Mental Health Counselor and teaches workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. She was awarded the 2007 Peace Award from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicine. Visit her at sandraingerman.com and shamanicteachers.com.

“Evelyn Rysdyk brilliantly taps into this powerful ancient tradition for guidance and healing. Learn from this master teacher. Read, reflect, devote yourself to these practices she and you too can become a spirit walker.”—Sandra Ingerman, author of Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner's Guide

Shamanism is an ancient spirituality rooted in the belief that all matter has consciousness and that accessing the spirit in all things is part of what keeps the world and people healthy and in balance. Spirit beings surround us and are the source of a spirit walker's ability to profoundly influence life events and thrive in difficult circumstances.

In Spirit Walking, shamanic practitioner Evelyn Rysdyk shows how we can all connect with the spirit world to find balance and healing. Using shamanic techniques that have been proven over thousands of years of human existence, Rysdyk offers a step-by-step guide to understanding and integrating shamanic practices into one's life through:

  • Power Animals
  • Prayers and Rituals
  • Discovering the Creative Energy of Emotion
  • Imagination and Manifestation
  • Learning to Shapeshift
  • Divination
  • Traditional Shamanic Healing

Rysdyk shares powerful stories of shamans from a variety of cultures such as Nepal, Tuva, the Ulchi from Siberia, and from Peru. She brings a fresh perspective to the work by showing how the latest findings in quantum physics are verifying that we are all connected in an intricate web of energy and spirit.

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"What I love about listening to Evelyn Rysdyk discuss shamanism is her ability to combine ancient lore with modern science so seamlessly that you would swear you can't have one without the other. With the lyrical voice of an artist she taps into our memories of old, 'forgotten' ways and helps us understand them in terms of the latest findings in physics, psychology, and ecology. She is a wonderful guide for spirit walking between the worlds. Walk with her." --Tom Cowan, author of Fire in the Head and Yearning for the Wind "An inspiring and critically important work, this book helps you use all of the spiritual tools and connections you were born with, but most likely forgot. Spirit Walking clearly explains what shamanism is and does, while teaching in a concise, stepbystep fashion how to bring this way of being into your everyday life. I loved that I could feel the profound wisdom of many years of experience flow through Evelyn's writing in such a personal way. It feels like she is teaching you directly, with all her deeply rooted energy and spirit guided words. Whether you are new to shamanism, or are living this way of life already, you will find this book a valuable resource. At a time when life can seem so crazy, we need to become Spirit Walkers now, more than ever!" --Colleen Deatsman, author of The Hollow Bone: A Field Guide to Shamanism and Seeing in the Dark: Claim Your Own Shamanic Power Now and in the Coming Age. "In our everchanging world many people have felt lost and isolated within their lives, this statement is growing faster than we can keep up. Through Evelyn's Spirit Walking her grace and gifts are expressed to shift our connection to the earth, each other, and ourselves, building the foundation for life in a new and different world. She is an exceptional writer, artist, healer and human 'being.'" --Joan Emmons, publisher of Inner Tapestry "Evelyn Rysdyk brings the reader face to face with the bones of reality--how it works in this Middle World--and how the practice of shamanism helps us to live in good relationship with All That Is. Embracing the venerable worldview of shamanism she compassionately guides readers on their own journey of discovery and empowerment within the reality of an ensouled Universe. Spirit Walking is comprehensive and inspiring--Evelyn's outstanding artistry is evocatively expressed through her writings as well as images. A most worthy read!" --Nan Moss and David Corbin, authors of Weather Shamanism: Harmonizing Our Connection with the Elements "Evelyn Rysdyk has written an invaluable shamanic resource that is at once expansive and concise. She shares her deep wisdom with humility and great generosity of spirit." --Mama Donna Henes, urban shaman, author, and spirituality columnist for the Huffington Post, Beliefnet and UPI "Life is a sacred work...how easy it is to forget that in the rush of daily life! And how wonderful it is when a book like [Spirit Walking] comes along, not only reminding us of our deepest sense of connection and purpose, but offering wise guidance to help us get back to it." --Hillary S. Webb, author of Traveling between the Worlds: Conversations with Contemporary Shaman