
The Knowledge That Liberates


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Imprint: Nicolas-Hays
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Book Details


572 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Nicolas-Hays, Inc


Devadatta Kali (David Nelson) began his long association with Hinduism in the 1960's and has been a lifelong adherent and promoter. He is an initiate of Swami Pabhavananda, who also was the spiritual guru of Christopher Isherwood and Aldous Huxley. He is a member of the Vedanta society and worked for years as part of Vedanta Press. He lectures at temples, ashrams, colleges, and religious conferences and has many articles in popular and scholarly publications. He is the author of In Praise of the Goddess and Veiling Brilliance, both published by Nicolas-Hays.

The Svetasvataropanisad is considered to be the most beautiful of all the Upanisads, the philosophical texts of the Hindu religion. In this new translation, Devadatta Kali takes a fresh look, and works from a new premise that the Svetasvatara represents a Saivite (one of the Hindu sects) point of view. This he claims, allows its intended meaning to shine forth. The translation and commentary brings to life the seer Svetasvatara, who from time to time delights in provocation and word play, allowing the reader to share the joy of his liberated vision that all this world is an expression of the Divine. This translation aims to capture the seer’s ecstatic response to the wonders of creation while pointing the reader towards the even greater wonder of its source. Devadata Kali’s purpose in his translation and the commentary is to convey the vibrant immediacy of the Sanskrit original and strip away many centuries of exegetical accretions in order to make Svetasvatara’s message heard as he intended–as a statement of profound insight designed to guide, inspire, and enlighten.

Features of the text:

    13 pages of uninterrupted fl ow of the translation of the Upanisad.
  • 6 chapters of the Upanisad in original Sanskrit with English translation and commentary.
  • Two appendixes giving the word-by-word analysis of the Sanskrit and a complete tabulation of the correspondences with other texts and internal corresponds within the Upanisad itself.
  • Index including bilingual references and major themes by verse.

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