The Art of Limitless Living

The Joy, Possibility and Power of Living a Heart-Centered Life


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Imprint: New Page Books
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"This author has an extraordinary ability to bring the physics of heart-centered awareness to life in an easy to understand playful manner, accessible to anyone. The Art of Limitless Living will attune your heart (and your reality) to coherent love and manifestation simply by reading it."
Dr. Claude Swanson, physicist, author of The Synchronized Universe and Life Force, The Scientific Basis
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Book Details


224 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Melissa Joy Jonsson is the founder of M-Joy, a unifying "we" movement that provides a new language to experience self-love as integrity. She is best known for her ability to engage people to embrace their true authentic power by playing in the field of the heart. Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational seminars around the world since 2008. As an intuitive coach and holistic practitioner, Melissa has a diverse client base in more than 25 countries. Melissa spent more than a decade as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry. She is the author of Little Book of Big Potentials, Practical Play the Heart-Centered Way, and M-Joy Practically Speaking. Melissa has a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She resides in San Diego, California. To learn more, please visit

We already are what we wish to become.

Join inspiring, life-transformational leader Melissa Joy on a journey to the heart of interactive reality creation, where self-love is the new normal.

Humanity is in a position that we have never been in previously, on new and unfamiliar terrain. You may be at a place in your own life where you are aware that “tried and true” behaviors and beliefs are no longer working. You may be unsure how to proceed.

Through a brilliant weave of unique language, testimonials, and practical play, The Art of Limitless Living provides multiple access points for creating new self-loving maps to navigate through changing landscapes.

In The Art of Limitless Living, you will learn:

  • Why the notion that we create our own reality is only half true.
  • Why heart-centered awareness is key to self-love, authenticity, completion, and transcending your stories.
  • How to bridge the gap between limitless potential and limitation.
  • How to leverage placeholders, heart-mind synthesis, and fluid boundaries.
  • How to overcome problems with family, friends, work, and society.
  • How to apply equal service to self and others to change prevailing paradigms.
  • How to transcend addictions and distractions.
  • How curiosity can transform predictability into possibility and create a new reality, right now.

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    "This author has an extraordinary ability to bring the physics of heart-centered awareness to life in an easy to understand playful manner, accessible to anyone. The Art of Limitless Living will attune your heart (and your reality) to coherent love and manifestation simply by reading it."
    Dr. Claude Swanson, physicist, author of The Synchronized Universe and Life Force, The Scientific Basis
    "Melissa Joy's transformative book shows us firsthand how simple it is to live from a place of limitless possibility. The Art of Limitless Living reveals the necessity of moving fully into our hearts, and completely embodying a new way of relating to ourselves, each other, and the universe. The author's sage focus on integrity, authenticity, and exercising choice every step of the way is complemented by practical examples for how we can take these concepts and put them to work in our own lives. Melissa Joy's grounded approach to time-honored spiritual principles activates new ways of thinking about our place in this changing world. I highly recommend this book!"
    Kelly McNelis, author of Your Messy Brilliance, & Founder, Women For One
    "This book encodes for the power of love on every page. Whether you are seeking to change yourself, life circumstances, or the world around you, The Art of Limitless Living provides practical effective methods for experiencing the heart of change at the personal and collective level. A must-read book for anyone seeking more self-love with desire to make a difference."
    Susan Shumsky, award-winning author of 14 books, including Awaken Your Divine Intuition
    "This book will guide you to think differently, trust your heart, and realize your immense significance in our interconnected universe. Melissa Joy has written The Art of Limitless Living with vulnerability and power, teaching that we can genuinely love ourselves regardless of past experiences. If you want to move beyond trauma, drama, and relentlessly trying to fix yourself, this book offers a whole new way of being complete."
    Eileen McKusick, award-winning author of Tuning the Human Biofield
    "Melissa Joy has written The Art of Limitless Living with clarity and wisdom, making the physics of heart-centered consciousness available to all with ease. From a foundation of personal integrity, the author brilliantly conveys why change can feel so challenging, while offering very powerful tools that can catalyze individuals and societies to a resonance of love and connection."
    Midge Murphy, JD, PhD, author of Practice Energy Healing in Integrity
    "Melissa Joy delivers new insights into her legendary heart-centered teachings with authenticity, accessibility, and ease. Whether you are looking to heal your life, get out of your own way, improve your relationships, or move beyond addictions, there are many strategies in this book that will transform even the most stubborn patterns. The Art of Limitless Living will expand your perception, ignite your heart, strengthen your intuition, and delight your being."
    Richard Bartlett, D.C., N.D, award-winning author of Matrix Energetics and The Physics of Miracles
    "The Art of Limitless Living is gently powerful. As you read each page, the energy and truth of the words transform you. Melissa Joy speaks from her heart to yours, honestly and lovingly. If you are ready to stand in your own space and have a true, authentic, loving relationship with yourself, to express the love that you are and to experience a new dimension of being, you will want to read The Art of Limitless Living."
    Maxine Taylor, Georgia's First Licensed Astrologer, and best-selling author of Move Into the Magic