The Book of Pendulum Healing

Charting Your Healing Course for Mind, Body, & Spirit


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Imprint: Weiser Books
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"Joan Staffen's Book of Pendulum Healing is a great introduction to receiving healing guidance through the use of divination and pendulum dowsing. The tips and techniques Joan outlines will enhance one's intuition and channeling abilities." --Amy Zerner & Monte Farber, authors of The Truth Fairy Pendulum Kit and The Psychic CircleAmy Zerner & Monte Farber
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Book Details


240 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Joan Rose Staffen is a writer, artist, and psychic healer. On the spiritual path since her early twenties, she has explored many healing modalities including psychic healing, yoga, meditation, a Course in Miracles, Unity Church principals and prayers, and spiritual response therapy, a dowsing system for deep healing. Currently, she works and plays in an intentional artist community in Santa Cruz, California, called the Tannery Arts Lofts where she provides workshops and psychic healings. Visit her at

The Book of Pendulum Healing, suitable for beginners and adepts alike, offers clear, concise instructions for using ancient dowsing techniques, a modern pendulum, and 30 interrelated intuitive healing charts as a spiritual guidance system. 

The lessons provided are practical–the dowsing process provides concrete, visible-to-the-eye answers and solutions–and other easy-to-learn healing techniques such as communication with the angelic realm, affirmative prayer, meditation, and aura clearing are also included.

This profound system opens one’s mind to inner intuition and wisdom and addresses many key intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual issues.

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"Joan Staffen's Book of Pendulum Healing is a great introduction to receiving healing guidance through the use of divination and pendulum dowsing. The tips and techniques Joan outlines will enhance one's intuition and channeling abilities." --Amy Zerner & Monte Farber, authors of The Truth Fairy Pendulum Kit and The Psychic CircleAmy Zerner & Monte Farber

"We highly recommend The Book of Pendulum Healing. Joan Staffen provides a user-friendly step by step guide to help anyone tap into their intuitive abilities by using the ancient and honored method of vibrational resonance. Equally important is Joan's cogent, powerfully perceptive approach to healing itself. Few of us appreciate or fully consider the multidimensional levels of causation underlying health problems and life impediments. The reader is gifted with invaluable maps and tools for fully assessing the origins of any healing issue; as well as rich array of viable options for its resolution.

This is not a book you will read and then store away on some shelf to gather dust. Rather, The Book of Pendulum Healing will become your new best friend. It is a lifetime user's manual for how to access a deeper Core of Self; how to actualize human potential by gaining ever greater insight and mastery regarding life's challenges and inherent blessings." --Patricia Kaminski, Executive Director, Flower Essence Society

Patricia Kaminski
"The Book of Pendulum Healing is a wonderfully informative book which helps the reader delve deep into the core of their spiritual consciousness to find the answers to many of life's questions. Having been fascinated with angels for many years, I love the angelic influence in this book and all matters relating to the power of the pendulum. A must-have book for all those who have an interest in spiritual dowsing." --Leanna Greenway, author of Tarot Plain and Simple, Wicca Plain and Simple and Wiccapedia.
Leanna Greenaway
"Joan Staffen takes you on an empowering journey of self-analysis and gifts you with a skill that lasts a lifetime — grab this opportunity!  The Book of Pendulum Healing is beautifully written:  her love for the divinity in all things simply zings off the page." --Elizabeth Brown, author Dowsing:The Ultimate Guide for the 21st Century
Elizabeth Brown
"Joan Rose Staffen’s The Book of Pendulum Healing is packed with helpful tips and practical applications for pendulums in your everyday life. This book offers readers an exploration of the history and applications of dowsing by pendulum, but the more than two dozen pendulum charts are the real treasure. This is a book that you’ll use time and time again in your healing practice!" --Nicholas Pearson, author of Crystals for Karmic Healing and Foundations of Reiki Ryoho
Nicholas Pearson

"The Book of Pendulum Healing: Charting Your Healing Course for Mind, Body, and Spirit by Joan Rose Staffen is chock full of insightful and practical information. This book is an excellent introduction to dowsing and provides helpful charts that the reader can use. Yet Pendulum Healing offers far more than simply dowsing advice. Joan’s wonderful book also covers, among other topics, how to let go of limiting thoughts, how past lives can help you today, and how to deal with grief because of the death of a loved one.

The book weaves historical and factual information with Joan’s own story of how she came to be a dowser and master healer. I refer to Joan as a “master” healer because I have benefitted from Joan’s wisdom and great healing abilities. I have worked in the healing/spiritual field for two decades and met many wonderful people, but few as talented as Joan. I strongly encourage you to read this book - it will make your life better." --Catriona Macgregor, award winning author of Partnering with Nature: The Wild Path to ReConnecting with the Earth, spiritual guide, and founder of Nature Quest®

Catriona Macgregor