The Essential Supervisor's Handbook

A Quick and Handy Guide for Any Manager or Business Owner


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Imprint: Career Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


224 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser

The key to a good business is good employees. The key to good employees? A great supervisor. The Essential Supervisor’s Handbook provides a guide for both new and experienced supervisors featuring expert explanations, advice, and motivation. It is a quick reference guide that covers a wide range of topics, from employee relations, team leadership, and motivation to the legal aspects of hiring, firing, and disciplining employees.The Essential Supervisor’s Handbook also takes on difficult issues from upgrading to downsizing, and everything in between, such as: multicultural teams, working with unions, finding communication methods that work for you and your team. As well as how to stay positive, move your team (and yourself) forward, and create a productive work atmosphere. Concise and written in an easy-to-understand style, The Essential Supervisor’s Handbook is the one tool that no manager can afford to be without.
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