The Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting Playbook

Revised Edition


170 in stock

Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


272 Pages


7 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Lynn Grabhorn was a motivational speaker, real estate agent, and educational materials producer. Her main claim to fame was The New York Times bestseller, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting. She died in 2004.

This witty and practical guide to Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting is no ordinary workbook. The Playbook takes readers well beyond the basic ground rules of deliberate creation as laid out in Excuse Me–in a uniquely entertaining manner, this is a workbook for empowerment with clearly focused explanations, discussion material, meditations, and exercises that are essential building blocks for a new way of being.

Isn’t it worth a little work to have the life you’ve always wanted? This is a complete overhaul of the Grabhorn classic. The text has been tightened and clarified. New stories are included that give the Playbook a more contemporary feel. And finally the completely new design gives a whole new look.

The new playbook is now a user-friendly tool for those who are looking to live the Law of Attraction each and every day of the year.

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