The Little Book of Dream Symbols

The Essential Guide to Over 700 of the Most Common Dreams


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Imprint: Hampton Roads Publishing
Availability: In stock

Book Details


216 Pages


5 x 7


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Jacqueline Towers is a medium, psychometrist, tarot reader, Reiki healer, and counselor. She was a president of the British Astrological and Psychic Society and spent several years as the editor of their Mercury Magazine. She is also the author of The Little Book of Dream Symbols. Jacqueline lives in England.

Did you know that a dream about a blanket can either be a warning to guard your investments or a sign that you can expect financial gain–depending on the context? Or that a dream about lightening generally precedes good luck?

From the time Jacob dreamt of a ladder to heaven, through the era of Freud and Jung, right up to the findings of the latest sleep research, the wise have believed that dreams hold important secrets. In this A-Z dictionary of dream symbols, a psychic counselor applies both traditional and scientific approaches to provide a handy key to what your dreams are saying. From anchor to zebra, all dream symbols are analyzed, showing how they bring us messages, reveal our hidden wishes and mental states, and even foretell our future. Readers everywhere will use this little book to learn what their subconscious is trying to communicate.

Examples of dreams and their meanings:

  • Alligator: Treachery and secret enemies are about
  • Garlic: You are on the way up and will achieve wealth
  • Snakes: Forthcoming problems and deceit
  • Vermin: Petty irritations
  • Cancer: A long life, if you don’t overdo it!
  • Parking: Time to wind down a relationship

This little dictionary is an ideal reference for your nightstand. When you wake from sleep, quickly refer to this book and discover the meaning of your dreams.

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