The Weiser Field Guide to Ghosts

Apparitions, Spirits, Spectral Lights and Other Hauntings of History and Legend


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Imprint: Weiser Books
Availability: In stock

Book Details


192 Pages


4.75 x 8


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Raymond Buckland's grandfather was the first of the Buckland Gypsies to give up traveling the roads in wagons and to settle into a permanent house. From his earliest years, Ray remembers listening to his father's and grandfather's tales of Romani life, and watching his grandmother read cards and tell fortunes. Ray is the author of more than fifty books on occult, magic, witchcraft, and paranormal subjects and is popularly known as "The Father of American Wicca." He lives in Ohio. Visit him on the web at:

From battlefield and biblical ghosts to poltergeists and orbs, The Wesier Field Guide to Ghosts examines categories and subcategories of ghosts across time and cultures, including commonalities and misconceptions. Stories of encounters, legendary ghosts, and haunted places are all covered in this beautifully illustrated compendium, a veritable A-Z of the otherworld. The Wesier Field Guide to Ghosts is concise and comprehensive, complete with practical tips on ghost hunting and suggested further reading.
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