Write Better Right Now

The Reluctant Writer’s Guide to Confident Communication and Self-Assured Style


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Imprint: Career Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


224 Pages


6 x 9


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Mary-Kate Mackey is an award-winning writer, speaker, and teacher. Write Better Right Now is based on the tools and techniques she developed during her 14 years of teaching at the University of Oregon's School of Journalism and Communication, and shared in popular writing workshops across the United States. As a professional journalist, her byline has appeared on more than 200 articles for national magazines, newspapers, and websites, including Sunset, the Christian Science Monitor, Horticulture, and Fine Gardening. She lives in Eugene, Oregon.

In almost any career, you must know how to write–even if it’s not part of your job description. But if you are a reluctant writer, producing even the simplest memo may be a struggle.

Write Better Right Now is the springboard to get you ahead in any job, passion project, or situation that requires writing skills. No matter what you are called upon to do–blog posts, speeches, web content, press releases, or more–this step-by-step manual gives you the solid techniques you need to get the task done.

Write Better Right Now works because it is:

  • Short–It takes a concise approach, from first thoughts to final edits, and its “mix-and-match” structure means you only have to read the sections you need.
  • Practical–It is loaded with summations, short cuts, tips, cheat sheets, and hands-on exercises.
  • Solution-driven–Knowing where you’ve gone wrong is half the battle.

    Write Better Right Now offers you the tools to identify your own problem patterns and choose the quickest and most appropriate fixes.

    You can improve your writing today. With straightforward guidance, Write Better Right Now is the quick read for productive people who need to create clear and crisp communication–right now.

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