Your Nutrition Solution to Acid Reflux

A Meal-Based Plan to Help Manage Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and Other Symptoms of GERD


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Imprint: New Page Books
Availability: In stock
"Your Nutrition Solution to Acid Reflux will help you get to the cause of your heartburn, not just putting a 'medication bandaid' on your symptoms. If you're ready to make diet changes to get you heartburn free, then this is the book for you!"
Jan Patenaude, RD, CLT, director of medical nutrition, Oxford Biomedical Technologies, Inc.
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Book Details


224 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Kimberly Tessmer is a registered dietitian nutritionist, published author, wife and mother. She has been a dietitian since 1992 and has worked in various fields related to nutrition and food. Kim currently owns and operates a consulting practice called Nutrition Focus ( where she specializes in authoring, weight management, menu development and other nutrition-related consulting services.

More than 60 million Americans experience symptoms of acid reflux at least once per month and at least 25 million Americans suffer on a daily basis. Your Nutrition Solution to Acid Reflux will give you:

  • The latest medical information on acid reflux and GERD as well as a complete yet simplified overview of the disease to enhance your understanding
  • Tips on not only on nutritional intake but the lifestyle changes needed to find relief.
  • Interactive tools that allow you to become a food detective and make the changes necessary to feeling better.
  • Easy-to-follow meal plans to help get you started to life without the symptoms of acid reflux.

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    "Your Nutrition Solution to Acid Reflux will help you get to the cause of your heartburn, not just putting a 'medication bandaid' on your symptoms. If you're ready to make diet changes to get you heartburn free, then this is the book for you!"
    Jan Patenaude, RD, CLT, director of medical nutrition, Oxford Biomedical Technologies, Inc.
    "Your Nutrition Solution to Acid Reflux is a fantastic book that provides the reader with a solid understanding of acid reflux presented in a way that is easy to understand. The author provides step-by-step solutions including the most cutting-edge information available. I highly recommend this book to anyone suffering from acid reflux, and to my own patients."
    Alyssa Simpson, RD, CDE, CLT, Nutrition Resolution