Tag: divination

October Author Blog

An Excerpt from “Secrets of Romani Fortune-Telling” by Jezmina Von Thiele and Paulina Stevens

Dream divination is the cornerstone of fortune-telling for both of our families, and many others. Dreams are a liminal space, between worlds, where ancestors, spirits, messages, and symbols can reach you. Dreams are also a place where the subconscious throws its deepest concerns onto a screen for you to watch and sift through. Repressed emotions are never good for our well-being. For that reason, Western psychology is preoccupied with dream interpretation, with Jung being the most recognizable name in dream interpretation, and much of his practice draws from much older wisdom and symbols from other cultures, mainly from what is broadly considered the East. For that reason, some of our approach to dream analysis may be familiar already, because our culture and many others were inspiration for a differently packaged Western approach. At the same time, we all have personal experiences with symbols, perhaps in ways that are very different from the cultures we come from.

Ultimately, knowing and caring for yourself keep you grounded enough to be a good reader. We have years of experience delving into dreams, and while we refer to our shared cultural background, we created this chapter in a way that anyone can use our techniques for navigating the world of dreams.

Jezmina’s Story

My grandmother was taught by her grandparents that dreams are how we expand and understand our intuition, and communicate with ancestors and divinity. She understood dream interpretation to be foundational to any divinatory practice. I often slept over at my grandmother’s trailer, and a regular part of my training was discussing our dreams every morning. She was teaching me to interpret dreams bit by bit, by helping me understand my own, but also sharing some of hers with me. Around the same time she began teaching me dream interpretation, when I was about four, my grandfather, her ex-husband, died by suicide. He was a very violent and troubled man, an American WWII veteran who plucked my grandmother out of the postwar wreckage of Germany when she was just nineteen, and he left lifetimes of trauma in his wake.

The only dream my grandmother had back then was the same scenario on repeat: she dreamed that she was running, and that my mother and her siblings were children again, and they were running with her. In the dream, my grandfather chased them aiming his rifle with a wild look in his eyes, something that had happened before in the waking world. The scene would change from dream to dream—sometimes they were at home, in a store, or in a forest. The dream always ended the same way. My grandmother would find somewhere to hide her children, a closet, a cave, a tucked away place, and sigh with relief that they were safe. Then she would face my grandfather, and he would fill her with bullets until she woke up. Hearing this dream over and over when we woke in the mornings, sun streaming into the bedroom, wrapped up in her big German feather down covers, taught me at a very young age that many of the dreams we have are not about us navigating the future, but rather, surviving the past.

Paulina’s Story

Growing up, my family believed anyone who knew us who had passed on would be able to reach us through our dreams. I was taught our dreams were a portal to communicate with our loved ones and see how their spirits were doing. For example, if they asked for food in our dream, we couldn’t give it to them. Hungry spirits meant that they were unsettled in the afterlife, and if we gave them food, we could be prolonging their suffering, because they needed to accept that they are not in this world anymore.

Many dream interpretations that I was raised with meant the opposite of what they seemed. How could dreaming of money and abundance mean coming into problems with business in the real world? This baffled me as a kid, but after reading many books from our family store collection and badgering my great-grandparents, I learned about the aspect of psychology behind dreams. Little things made sense. Dreaming of money in any way meant even your subconscious was too concerned about money, and this couldn’t be good for you moving forward. Maybe all the superstitions had some scientific roots. Now I see many articles and books around the psychology behind our dreams and I believe this strongly intersects with Romani dream divination, where we can find similarities with many other cultures around the world.

Prophetic Dreams

Even so-called prophetic dreams, or dreams that predict the future, are rarely straightforward. For many people, even very intuitive people, prophetic dreams can be relatively rare, usually appearing in times of crisis, or more confusingly, in flashes of deja vu that don’t seem important at all. We’ve met some people who dream in prophecy every night, but if that’s not your reality, you’re not alone. Luckily, most of our day-to-day life is made up of small events, not crises, and doesn’t warrant dramatic dream intervention. The small events are important, though, and they take up a lot of our time and emotional energy. Most dreams are like this too, reflections and fragments of our smaller concerns, or the background noise of our deeper issues, burbling up from the subconscious. The idea is that if we can use these “mundane” dreams as helpful tools to understand ourselves and our lives, the bigger, more profound dreams will be easier to spot and understand too.

There might be times when you do get a warning in a dream and you really feel it in your bones or your gut. It’s wise to listen to that. You might have already experienced this, and typically it’s something you feel in your whole body. This has happened to us too—it’s important not to assume that every bad dream is a warning, though. There are probably indicators that help you know when a dream truly is a warning, like certain people or guides delivering the message in an unmistakably clear way.

Some common symbols in prophetic dreams for Roma vary. Sometimes what we dream actually means the opposite. Like if you dream of a relative giving birth to a baby boy, it might actually be a girl. Many Roma believe hair and teeth falling out in a dream represents your troubles or worries leaving your life, so it’s actually a good dream. Seeing a little blood in a dream means good luck, but seeing a lot of blood means bad luck. Seeing money means it will come your way, but touching money in the dream is bad because your subconscious might be too greedy or worried about money. Touching money can even mean there are rumors or negative words circulating in your life. Dreaming about cash in general may be a particularly Romani experience because for almost our whole existence, we worked with only cash, and many still do. Many Roma weren’t even allowed to open bank accounts, and in some places that’s still true. Present day, some families still don’t trust banks or the government with their money at all because of that history. Most people get paid through their bank accounts or paychecks, and some businesses do take cash only, but in a Roma family, your whole lineage dealt only with cash, so physical money, such as dollars and coins, is very significant to us.

Animals in Dreams as Prophecy

Romani culture, like all other cultures, tends to have certain associations with animals and plants. And then certain Romani subgroups, or vitsas, might have their own associations, and families their own, and individuals as well. It can get very personal and specific, and not everyone agrees all the time on what certain animals mean. You might find this yourself—maybe you love an animal that many tend to shun, like spiders, and maybe an animal that most tend to love, like dogs, makes you uncomfortable. Take all of this into account when you’re interpreting your dreams.

When we first started collaborating on Romanistan podcast together, we realized that both of our families believed dreaming about animals signaled either a prophetic dream, or a prophetic aspect of a dream. For instance, both of our families tend to read birds as bearers of news, whether it’s good or bad. In Paulina’s family, snakes represent gossip, and in Jezmina’s, snakes represent change. Fish represent fertility, abundance, and manifestation in both of our traditions. In Paulina’s family, dogs represent spirits or ancestors visiting you, and in Jezmina’s, dogs represent protection or a loyal and faithful friend. These are just a few of many examples, but the trick is to learn what these animals represent for you specifically.

Examples of Prophetic Dreams

It can be helpful to have examples so you know how prophetic dreams work for others, even if you have your own experiences. Intuition can expand and evolve over time, so there’s always plenty to learn. We will share a couple of prophetic dreams from our own lives with the lessons we learned from them.

Jezmina’s Prophetic Dream

When I was in my first year at college, I had a brand new roommate, Sarah, whom I was already very fond of even though we had known each other only a couple of weeks. She was an adorable music-blaring, tennis-playing punk in a dog collar, denim dress, and red Chucks, and I knew we were going to be great friends, and we still are to this day. I don’t sleep well, so I wake up pretty frequently. As such, I have a strong distinction between night dreams and morning dreams, and I’ve noticed that most of my spiritual healing or processing dreams come at night and most of my prophetic dreams come in the early morning. One morning, I dreamed that Sarah was driving her car at the time, a sporty red ’93 Subaru SVX that she called “Back to the Future” because it looked like the DeLorean. In the dream, I was like a spirit hovering over her shoulder, and I saw the lights on her dashboard all light up like a Christmas tree, the car start to shake, and Sarah try to hit the brakes, but they wouldn’t work, and she veered off the road and got into a terrible wreck.

I woke up gasping, and both of our alarms were going off. I felt fear jangling through my body, and I had a very clear message for her that seemed to come from the dream, and not my brain. “Sarah, you have to get your car checked out. You can’t drive more than a mile, so go to the place next to the school on Williamson Road. Your brakes are almost gone and they won’t make it any further than that.”

“What are you talking about?” she said, sitting up in her bed and rubbing her eyes.

“Listen, I know it’s weird, but I get messages in my dreams sometimes, and I just had one, and I just know you’ll get in an accident if you don’t take care of this today, right now. Trust me.”

Sarah looked at me in silence for a little while. I thought for sure I had scared her off. I hadn’t explained my fortune-telling or anything about myself that would give this more context. Witchy behavior wasn’t that cool or trendy back in 2004 like it is now. I was bullied for being different as a kid, and I was worried that my new friend would think I was spooky too. But then she nodded her head and said, “Okay. If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll do it right now.”

“Thank you!” I said. “It would make me feel better.”

So she left right away and brought Back to the Future to the nearest auto shop. Later that morning, I ran into Sarah in the hallway of the English building.

“You were right!” she yelled, raising her arms and clenching her hands into celebratory fists. Everyone in the hallway turned to see what the commotion was all about. “My brakes were just about to go! The guy at the shop said it was a miracle I made there in one piece. Damn, you’re good!”

After that, Sarah told this story to all of her friends, and news of my intuition spread far and wide. It ended up being great for my little fortune-telling side hustle, and she was my biggest supporter. I was just glad she and Back to the Future were safe and sound.

Paulina’s Prophetic Dreams

Why are we so good at predicting car accidents? When I dream of swimming through water, that tends to be a warning that I’m going to get into a car accident. I was taught by my family that dreaming of water at all was usually a bad omen. Recently, I had a feeling that something was going to happen to my car when I dreamed that a tsunami had swept over my town. After that dream, I noticed that little things around me, electronics and the like, stopped working or even began falling apart. I am so used to this kind of warning in my dream that I decided to preemptively trade my car in, and on the way home with the new one, someone rear-ended me. I felt like I couldn’t escape my fate no matter how hard I tried. It wasn’t a serious accident, but why did I need to get into an accident at all? Was I projecting? Could it have been worse? I learned that I should trust my instincts but accept my fate at the same time. I believe we should take precautions for sure, and our intuition pushes us out of our comfort zone and challenges us in ways we wouldn’t have imagined.

Sleep Quality

Quality of sleep is helpful, though not necessary, for dreamwork. Both of us have struggled with insomnia, nightmares, and night terrors since we were kids, but we have still been able to gain a lot of insight from dreams. Some people sleep well with very little effort, and some of us need to put some work into it. Even if you can’t relate to the struggle to sleep, these tips and tricks for a better night’s rest can still be very helpful.

Data-Driven Sleep Tips

Have a set bedtime every night. If you lose track of time, you can set bedtime alarms. Try setting one for when you want to start getting ready for bed, and another for when it’s time to go to sleep.

Most people sleep better in dark rooms. Investing in blackout curtains might help.

Some people need quiet, while others sleep best with sounds, like rain, white noise, soft music, or even podcasts. Experiment with what works best for you. Set a sleep timer for music or a podcast so it doesn’t play sound all night and wake you up later. Avoid falling asleep to the TV if possible because it casts disruptive light. Find the room temperature that’s ideal for you. Studies show that many people sleep best at slightly cooler temperatures, but that’s not necessarily true for everyone. Experiment.

Avoid eating and drinking two hours before bed. It’s okay to have a little water or non-caffeinated herbal tea if you take medication or supplements before bedtime.

Try to stay off your electronics a couple of hours before bed. If you need an activity to unwind, opt for reading, drawing, knitting, etc.

Exercise earlier in the day. Studies show that daytime physical activity helps people sleep better at night.

If you get a little snacky after dinner or prefer something light instead of a full evening meal, these foods have been shown to promote a good night’s sleep. Having a small snack two hours before bed is totally fine for most people, unless you find that doesn’t work for you. Everyone is different, so listen to your body.

• A cup (8 oz.) of tart cherry juice
• A kiwi
• A handful of almonds
• A handful of walnuts
• A banana
. . . maybe combine these for a smoothie?

People also tend to sleep better in clean, tidy, pleasant-smelling bedrooms. Cool and neutral colors are popular in bedrooms because they tend to be relaxing. Lighting, scent, and sound can be very helpful for signaling to your brain that it’s time to unwind.

—Jezmina Von Thiele and Paulina Stevens, Chapter 3, Dream Divination, Copyright © 2024 

February Author Blog

An Excerpt from “Tarot for the Hard Work” by Maria Minnis

We begin with the premise that tarot is a tool of self-discovery. The cards provide us a tactile means to do inner work and grow as individuals, to unveil our “true” selves. In particular, the twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana depict “the grand picture”—classically they represent the archetypal energies we all share within the great universal unconscious. Our vivid trek through the majors has been described as the “hero’s journey” and the “great work.” It’s an alchemical process by which we move from innocence to knowledge, from unconsciousness to consciousness.

In other words, the majors present us with opportunities to move from ignorance, denial, and complacency to awareness, responsibility, and action. We might say that the journey wakes us up.

Tarot for the Hard Work is a potent partner for this journey. It is an array of Major Arcana writings and exercises for untangling racism, both externally and internally.

The word “racism” is tossed around so often that we don’t always consider what it really means, what it actually entails. Ask anyone, “What is racism?” and they’ll likely answer that it is white bias against people of color, that it is oppression rooted in racial and/or ethnic group membership.

They are not wrong in describing what racism looks like externally.

Often overlooked is internalized racism, something subtler and more insidious. When racism is the cultural norm, Black and Indigenous people of color (BIPOC) raised in such a society can internalize harmful racial narratives, subconsciously and even consciously. We may unintentionally reinforce ideas about ourselves and the world that collude with racism, leading to self-doubt, self-loathing, and self-disrespect. Racism perpetuates itself on a deep, inner, and subconscious level that traumatizes us and undermines our true power. For the BIPOC community, this book provides a path toward personal healing.

Internalized racism in white people can also be subconsciously insidious. Generations of white dominance and political power has led many of them to rarely, if ever, think about their privilege blindness and how their deeply rooted preconceptions precipitate microaggressions. They may tokenize others, assume criminality, expect lower intellectual capacity, claim colorblindness, or disrespect different communication styles. Internalized racism in white people can prompt an inner voice that says, “But I’m not racist—that’s other people.” This sustains the lack of responsibility that perpetuates a structurally racist society. Yes, “good people” and “bad people” can be racist. For white readers, this book provides actions to break that cycle and answers the ever-present question, “What can I do?”

Tarot for the Hard Work is a tool for passionately demolishing structural oppression. It is a tool for white people who want to use their privilege for mass liberation. It is a tool for Black and Brown people living in a structurally racist society intent on selling self-hatred and shame to marginalized people and capitalizing on their pain. It is a tool for both tarot newbies and tarot experts. It is a tool for action. It is a tool for going beyond baby steps. It is a tool that can offer great satisfaction as well as great difficulty. It is a tool to expand your comfort zone. This is a tool that requires your presence for it to work.

I’m an unapologetically Black writer, tarot reader, ritual facilitator, and artist whose work ultimately prioritizes one thing: freedom. I’ll be your guide as we explore the Major Arcana to uncover how each archetype can help us cultivate a freer world. As we move through the cards, from the Fool to the World, keep in mind that everything we do ripples beyond us and that we must take responsibility for our actions. We’ll seek opportunities for liberation within ourselves, our relationships, and our communities. Bless the interconnectedness of all things, for it promises that our magic is about more than ourselves!

The fact that I’m your guide doesn’t mean that I have all the answers. This book exists because of my blog series about antiracism and tarot. I discussed various manifestations of racism and everyday strategies to combat it. It felt terrifying to write about these things on the internet, a place where I’ve been vulnerable to racist attacks. Being invisible was safe, but some things are more important than our individual safety.

The Moon card reflects how our subconscious has a way of boiling to the surface until it can no longer be ignored. Writing the blog, two things fascinated me:

  1. People actually use the strategies I’ve written about in the real world!
  2. Wow, I have a lot of internalized racism to unpack.

As I said, I don’t have all the answers. I’m right there with you, experimenting with creative ways to use my spiritual practice toward a more liberated planet upon the smoldering ashes of white supremacy. I chose to write about antiracism strategies using the Major Arcana because of the powerful impact that tarot has had on me. Tarot helped me heal past trauma, communicate with the spirit realm, process two near-death experiences, and so much more. I know how this resource has affected my life, as well as my darling clients’ lives. With tarot, we embody unique archetypes to energize different parts of ourselves to deepen our lives. If we can use tarot to inspire and enlighten personal evolution, why can’t we do the same with community transformation?

Our focus will remain mostly on the tarot, but please incorporate any other ethical tools, spiritual or otherwise, into your antiracism work. Each chapter will focus on one Major Arcana card and will feature

  • Multiple perspectives of each Major Arcana card and how they show up in internalized and societal racism
  • How the shadow shows up in each card and different ways to use the benevolent aspects of each card to confront it
  • Activities to dismantle internalized racism, interpersonal racism, and racism in communities
  • Thoughtful reflection prompts
  • Inspirational mantras

I would like to draw your attention to bullet point #3: Activities. This book is about action: taking action, changing action, becoming aware of action. Each chapter is going to present activities that will ask you to reflect on how you manifest and act upon the energy of each card. There will be questions. There will be exercises. There will be places where you’ll want and need to record your thoughts and impressions. I highly encourage you to buy a journal (or two!) so that you can participate in these activities as we go along. Look for this prompt for journaling exercises and activities: ✎

Of course, I could have asked you to fill in a blank on the page, but the number of activities in this book would have made it an unwieldy tome. And more importantly, I don’t want to presume your thoughts and exercise entries would even fit onto one or two lines. A journal will give you unlimited space to explore and do a dive deep: in your journal you are writing your own antiracism manifesto.

Your experience through this book should not feel fixed, prescriptive, or dogmatic. Tarot is a flexible analog for our life experiences. If our lives and world are always changing, then so should our tarot practice and freedom work. I want you to interact with the tarot archetypes more intuitively. In our instant gratification information-age world, it can be tempting to take someone’s perspective and run with it. Instead, take what resonates with you and forget the rest. I want this work to feel personal. I want you to strengthen your personal relationship with the cards. One reason I’m a tarot reader is the reality that tarot is most effective when intuitively guided and manifested consciously. As you incorporate new information and activities in your everyday life, try to

  • Take ownership over your actions and their consequences
  • Use whatever privilege you have responsibly and often
  • Remain open, aware, and flexible
  • Reflect regularly
  • Confess, apologize, and fix your mistakes
  • Listen
  • Act!

This work isn’t supposed to be easy. One could imagine where we’d be if it was. Our commitment to a radically evolved future means committing now to radical action and change. You might find that even minor changes can feel uncomfortable. Right now is a good time to accept that fact, anticipate some bumpy roads, and start where you are. We must get through the Tower to make it to the Star.

If you’re reading this book, you probably already have a few things in your “witch toolbox.” Maybe you have gems, candles, meditations, or whatnot. Lean on the magic that ignites your path to awareness, insight, and social change. There is one hard rule, though: you must understand that you are the most magical ingredient of your life. No rune or naked dance in the woods could hold a flame to your inherent magic. You may have companions, but ultimately you are the one who moves your energy. This book is a spell for our more ideal futures, forged by intention, willpower, action, and compassion.

In my Jewish tradition, we often speak of “the world to come,” the future we are constantly building with spirit guidance, community responsibility, and acts of devotion. I talked about this a few times with Rabbi Mychal Copeland of the Sha’ar Zahav synagogue in San Francisco. She once told me that some people recast the phrase as “the world that is coming.” I like that one better.

I believe in a better future. I believe in it because we are already building it.

One last thing: I’m only one person. I write this book from a perspective of a Black woman raised in the United States. I can’t divorce that fact from anything I do in the public sphere. Still, the strategies and exercises in this book can help you confront racism of all kinds.

The future is on its way. Let’s go, witches.

—Maria Minnis, from the Introduction, Copyright © 2024

Ancestor Work and Tarot – An Interview with Nancy Hendrickson and Carrie Paris

  • Why do you feel people are so inextricably drawn to ancestor work?

I think that many people – if not the majority – are unrooted when it comes to their own family history.  Without those roots, there’s almost a restless energy that knows its lacking *something*, but doesn’t know what that is. Ancestral work has the ability to return the gift of deep roots to people. Once rooted, I believe we begin to step into our own power – and in fact, the power of generations standing behind us.
I can best answer this from diviner’s perspective because this is where I’ve been witnessing a growing interest in ancestral work. And while ancestral work has been around for ages, it’s also becoming a big part of the current divining community. What comes to my table more times than not are people drawn to understanding how healing ancestral and cultural wounds equals lifting and evolving their ancestral line.
  • How does Nancy’s book “Ancestral Tarot” compliment Carrie’s deck “The Relative Tarot” and vice versa? How should readers approach the two collectively?  I’d imagine armed with both, a reader could really go far!

This is just a great question as Carrie and I both talk about the book and cards as cousins. When I do ancestral tarot readings, I always use The Relative Tarot because its energy blends so well with my ancestral spreads. Hand-in-hand, the book and the cards give users a strong foundation from which to begin or continue their ancestral work.
The moment I opened Nancy’s book I knew I found “The Relative Tarot’s” cosmic cousin. Exploring ancestral patterns can be a painful journey, especially when the road is paved with skeletons that haunt us along the way. Thankfully, Nancy has written a valuable book brimming with useful techniques for uncovering where our ancestral inheritances may have originated and why we sometimes feel the impulse to act them out. Each exercise magically transforms the ancestral agenda and becomes a curative lesson in freeing ourselves from repeating outdated stories. In the end, “Ancestral Tarot” becomes a sound ally and advocate for healing the generational wound. I feel “The Relative Tarot” can bring a visual element to Nancy’s techniques because the intention behind the imagery is rooted in pictures from the past.
  • If you don’t really feel a connection to your deceased relatives or weren’t crazy about them while they were alive, how does that square with this sort of work?  Can you still benefit from it?

Absolutely. Ancestral work can be done by anyone, regardless of their connection to family. In fact, I’ve worked with many people who have had negative experiences with their family-of-origin. But working with generations further back in time a powerful and healing connection can be made – and often is.
This is a big question and one that includes establishing boundaries and taking a few steps before even entering dialogue with a challenging ancestor (if at all). I don’t encourage people to immediately connect with an ill-meaning ancestor. It rarely works and creates set-backs. Instead, my priority is to help a sitter solidify boundaries their ancestor may have broken. Once a strong boundary is in place, we look at locating the sitter’s well-meaning ancestors which tend to act as gatekeepers as well as advisors. If the sitter feels fortified by their established boundaries and still wishes to connect with their challenging ancestor, we are then prepared. In addition, I invite sitters to go into the conversation with what I refer to as their outcome goal. This is when a sitter enters a session not only with their boundaries and gatekeepers in place, but also with an outcome goal in mind— “I plan to leave this session with this outcome and this is what I am bringing to the table to achieve my goal.” Facing an adversary requires being tooled up and when we go in prepared, we are already in a position of self-care and healing.
  • Can you give one or two examples of ways you have seen ancestor work help people?

I have seen incredible healing for people who begin ancestral work. This is especially true for those who grew up in an abusive environment. Just knowing that they have ancestors who love and support them can begin the healing process.
So many are being called to this work that I can’t help but wonder what the driving force behind it might be. And each time I think about it, I always circle back to ancestral healing. As I mentioned in your first question, I feel ancestral work ripples out beyond immediate family issues, though this is where it usually starts. And from there it grows in people the capacity to feel connected and united instead of divided from their roots.
  • If you have one piece of advice for someone just starting out to explore this path, what would it be?

Be willing to trust yourself. Ancestral messages can arrive via tarot, feathers, a neighborhood cat, or a cloud formation. If you understand that you have ancestors who are always near, you’ll find it much easier to begin receiving messages as they’re coming in almost constantly.
Give yourself permission to rejoice in and be surprised by all the support you actually have coming from your ancestral line. Once you establish this connection, make a goal to celebrate and communicate with your well-meaning ancestors. And there are many ways you can do this: altars, offerings, prayer, simple conversations and my favorite, divination. Keep it simple and don’t buy into the stereotype of what ancestral communication is, because it usually isn’t what you think. Instead, it is as natural as having tea with your favorite aunt, who just happens to be deceased.
  • Are there any spreads you recommend that are particularly helpful for ancestor work?  

I do a three-card spread each morning that gives me an ancestral message for the day. The message answers my question of: How can I live this day to my highest abilities?
To begin, choose a card that represents the Ancestors to you. For me, it’s the 6 of Cups. After shuffling, I begin to draw down in the deck until I reach the 6 of Cups. The card just before the Ancestor card is advice on how best to live my day. The card immediately following the Ancestor card is a kind warning of what to avoid. This simple three-card spread is amazingly accurate.
I just posted a simple spread (below) that I feel all levels can do. It features the Chariot as an ancestral guide who leads the diviner to receiving a message.