For those unfamiliar with hoodoo—also known as Conjure, tricking, or rootwork— it is a form of folk magic practiced in North America by a diverse community of practitioners. It incorporates Central and West African magic along with integrated fragments of Jewish, Christian, Irish, German, Spanish, Asian, and Native American beliefs and practices. Hoodoo is traditionally the magic of the disenfranchised, marginalized and vulnerable because it empowers people to rise above their stations and situations, restore self-esteem and create happier lives for themselves and their families. Over the years, a vast arsenal of justice and pay-back spells has been created to help restore balance.
In Hoodoo Justice Magic, Miss Aida offers the essential handbook for protection, and revenge spells, featuring 129 spells, 32 recipes, and numerous rituals. Here are three of Miss Aida’s banishing recipes you can use to gently send a person or bad situation away. The manifestations from using these formulas are effective but subtle. Also included is her guidance on modifying your behavior so you no longer attract predators who take advantage of your openness and kindness.
Banishing Powder
- 4 teaspoons ground asafoetida
- 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon ground salt
Mix well. Then recite a blessing prayer over them, such as Psalm 23. Don’t forget to state the intention of the powder.

Banishing Oil
Place one-quarter teaspoon of Banishing Powder into a glass bottle containing two ounces of almond oil. Vitamin E oil acts as a preservative, so also add two drops of this to the almond oil. Then recite a blessing prayer. Add one drop of candle wax dye, if desired, as using colors coordinated to a condition will enhance the power of your mix. Place a cap on the bottle, shake it vigorously, and put in a dark cool area. Shake once a day for two weeks. Your oil is now ready for use.
Emergency Banishing Oil
Although not as fervent as the full formula, this recipe can be a substitute for the full formula listed above for anointing petition papers or candles when time and/or supplies are short. Simply mix virgin olive oil with ground asafoetida and stir until there’s a smooth and even consistency.
Modifying Your Behaviors
Why do some people fall victim to these types of predators more so than others? It’s a three-word answer: trust and kindness. We want to see the good in others, but the “bad guys” view these behaviors as weaknesses. Thus, anyone with a pure soul can fall prey to their antics.
As stated earlier when we looked at sociopathic behaviors, some scientists believe that one out of every twenty-four people land in that category. Can you imagine being in a room with one hundred people and knowing that four to five of them are predators? Sadly, that’s the ultimate reality of this generation.
Next, break those numbers down. There may be at least two to three predators in a room of fifty and at least one in a room of twenty-five. Therefore, you must always be aware that plenty of people have ulterior motives.
Predators can identify a vulnerable person within a few minutes. They look for body language signaling low self-esteem, such as slouching or hunching that makes the person look smaller and less assuming; fidgeting during conversations; or even nail biting. A predator will befriend these types of people, overly compliment them, and take steps to gain their trust.
They also look for people who smile a lot and display openness and kindness. Predators will present themselves to these types of people as victims in order to gain not only the target’s sympathy but assistance as well. Thereafter, they continue to seek assistance and information for their own purposes. So be careful with your body language, and although it is honorable to be kind to others, trust others with caution.
Featured Book
Hoodoo Justice Magic
Spells for Power, Protection and Righteous Vindication