151 Quick Ideas to Increase Sales


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Imprint: Career Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


192 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Linda Sparks has spent more than 25 years in the field of sales. She began her career as an outside sales representative, learning to unearth customer needs then sell products and services to meet those needs. In 1990, Sparks founded Performance Development Company, a business consulting and training firm, where she served as president for 10 years. For the last five years, Sparks has worked as an independent consultant, helping her clients take a more integrated approach to business development. She is the co-author of Business Development is Everyone's Business. She and her husband Jim live in Tucson, Arizona.

Sales is the lifeblood of the vast majority of companies. Without the influx of new business, most organizations would wither and die. So sales must be successful, not just once in a while but constantly–every month, every week, every day.

Because we constantly need more sales we also need new ideas for identifying and contacting our prospects, for understanding and meeting their needs and most of all, for inspiration to fight the good fight.This book will be a wise and ambitious member of your sales team, a one-time investment that will pay for itself over and over again. No commissions required!

151 Quick Ideas to Increase Sales is all about increasing the return on the investment you make in your organization’s business development program. It will break down the walls between the sales function and the other promotional elements in a typical marketing mix, allowing for a more synergistic approach to sales. 151 Quick Ideas to Increase Sales shows you proven sales tactics from a variety of business models and how to put them to work in your own programs. Tactics such as:– Branding Your Products– Creating Cross Promotions– Letting direct mail deliver — Selling More to Existing Clients– Reaching Out to the Community

These ideas will allow you to leverage the assets and momentum present in your existing system, and use your skills and knowledge to get exactly what you need and want more sales!

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