How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime


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Imprint: Career Press
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"Dave Kahle provides practical and real world sales strategies that get results...just make sure you read this before your competition does."
--Barry Farber, best-selling author of Barry Farber's Guide to Handling Sales Objection
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Book Details


240 Pages


5.25 x 8.25


Trade Paperback

Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Dave Kahle has been the top salesperson in the nation for two companies in two distinct industries. He has authored nine books, presented in 47 states and nine countries, and has personally and contractually worked with more than 300 companies to help them increase their sales. Specializing in the B2B environment, Dave creates customized training programs, speaks at national conventions, and consults in areas of sales system design and sales force compensation. He splits his time between Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Sarasota, Florida. You can connect with him at

Hundreds of thousands of small business owners are tossing and turning at night, trying to figure out how to attract more customers. They need to know how to sell, both individually and through their organizations. How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime was written primarily for them.

How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime distills the fundamental sales process into simple, easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement principles, processes and practices, and applies them to a wide variety of sales situations. It is packed with real-world examples and applications to a wide variety of situations – from the corner coffee shop, to the freelance professional, to the sophisticated B2B seller.

It features:

  • Easy-to-understand practices and processes that can be applied to every business and professional practice.
  • Guidelines and step-by-step how-to’s to turn ideas into practice.
  • Powerful insights on selling that will enable everyone–from the aspiring entrepreneur to the experienced sales pro–to be more successful.
  • Power nuggets–ways to add even more power to the practice and become even better.
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"Dave Kahle provides practical and real world sales strategies that get results...just make sure you read this before your competition does."--Barry Farber, best-selling author of Barry Farber's Guide to Handling Sales Objection