Magic Child

A Bedtime Ritual


1914 in stock

Imprint: Moon Dust Press
Availability: In stock

Book Details


30 Pages


7 x 7


Board book

Pub. Date





Moon Dust Press


Sarah Beck is an intuitive witch, tarot enthusiast, and mom living with a chronic illness. She is passionate about using storytelling and art to undermine white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. Inspired by watching her daughter gravitate toward her tarot decks, Sarah wrote her first picture book, The Tarot Deck Mess: Intro to the Major Arcana.
Nicole Revy is a printmaker from Dorset. Nicole’s work in print examines connections between people and place, often dealing with the female experience. The printmaker creates all her print work in her home studio in Bridport, Dorset, with a Gunning etching press.

A magical bedtime spell for spiritual families, Magic Child brings the tools of grounding, breathwork, and protection into a bedtime routine to help caretakers and children manifest a calm environment. This board book honors these traditions, recognizing them as an everyday ritual and way to create magic.
Magic Child is a bedtime spell for spiritual families. This enchanting book brings the tools of grounding, breathwork, herbalism, casting a circle of protection, and talking to spirits into a bedtime routine to help caretakers and children manifest a calm sleep environment. Magic Child seeks to honor these traditions, recognizing them as an everyday ritual and a way to create magic.
Glowing candle, clear sweet chime.
Draw your circle with a rhyme.
Evening wind and cricket thrum.
Buzzing mind slows to a hum.
What can you touch, hear, and smell?
Magic child, cast a spell.

Using a rhythmic meter and the repeated refrain of “magic child, cast a spell,” the text walks readers through a gentle meditation that introduces relaxation and self-care techniques to readers aged from infant to three. As Magic Child is read at bedtime, children engage in a metacognitive journey to think about how people care for themselves by preparing for rest. Illustrated entirely in hand-carved and printed linocuts in a warm two-color palette, Magic Child will quickly become a beloved bedtime ritual.

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