The Beloved Dead

An Oracle for Divining Ancestral Wisdom (82 Cards and 144-Page Full-Color Guidebook)


4475 in stock

Imprint: Weiser Books
Availability: In stock



5.25 x 7.25



Pub. Date





Red Wheel Weiser


Carrie Paris has a passion for divination and ancient ceremonial rites that invoke the spirit of divining communities. Carrie was in the first class to receive a master’s degree in the cultural study of cosmology and divination from the University of Kent, UK. She is the creator of The Relative Tarot, The Sirens' Song Oracle, and other decks. Carrie considers herself a global citizen and enjoys teaching in California, New Mexico, and Europe with her husband, artist Rob Hampson, and the world’s most psychic terrier, Rose-shine. Carrie offers classes and divination services to a global clientele in the US, Asia, and Europe. Learn more at

Tina Hardt is a channeler of words and ideas, and has used her writing skills to bring the imagery of Carrie Paris to life in book form, including coauthoring The Relative Tarot and The Siren’s Song. Today, as a diviner, Tina works with cards casting charms, and sits in mediumship circles.


A hauntingly appealing oracle deck that connects us with our past and opens the potential of our future through our ancestor archetypes, or spirit guides.

Your collective family of ancestor archetypes awaits you in The Beloved Dead oracle. They will have a lot to say about your day-to-day interactions, interpersonal dynamics, and inner life. Ask the Beloved Dead a question and connect with consciousness that has left the land of form and now resides energetically as Spirit.
Every spirit in this deck is a bright star in the constellation that lights your soul’s enchanted path to the unlimited potential that is the future. These are the voices of your protective and guiding ancestors—spirit helpers who understand that there’s great work to be done every minute you spend on this side of the veil. At times, The Beloved Dead oracle cards will represent a specific soul, living or in spirit; at other times they may convey an experience, memory, event, or outlook, and always deliver a message related to the context of your question.
This deluxe set contains an 81-card deck and 144-page full-color guidebook.

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